Hakemistolinkkejä | Indexlänkar
Christian lgbt+ directories | Kristillisiä hlbt+ -hakemistoja | Hbt+ -kristna index
Beyond Ex-Gay
Cathedral of Hope
Celebration of Faith
Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry
Full Spirit
Gay and Lesbian Catholicism
Gays for God
Inclusive Orthodoxy
LGB Catholic Handbook
Q Spirit
TransFaith On-line
Öt Kenyer
Other lgbt+ spiritual directories| Muita hlbt+ -hengell. hakemistoja| Övriga hbt+ -andl. index
Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry
Eshel (Orthodox Jewish | ortodoksijuutalainen | ortodox judisk)
Galva (Hindus | hinduja | hinduer)
Gay Spiritual Net (Pagans etc. | pakanoita ym. | hedningar osv.)
Global Interfaith Network for People of All Sexes, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression
Hidden Voices (Muslims | muslimeja | muslimer)
LGBT Religious Archives Network
(history of lgbt religiousity | hlbt-hengellisyyden historiaa | hbt-andlighetens historia)
Links Pitaka Gay Studies (Buddhistic, choose Themes -> Gay | buddhalainen | buddistisk)
Sarbat - LGBT Sikhs (Sikhs | sikhejä | sikhiska)
Toronto Centre Place (interfaith | uskontojen välinen | interreligiös)
White Crane Institute
Relig. depts. of lgbt+ directories | Hlbt+ -hakem. usk. osastoja | Relig. avd. av hbt+ -index
Transgender Map: Transgender People and Faith
Lgbt+ depts. of relig. directories | Usk. hakem. hlbt+ -osastoja | Hbt+ -avd. i religiösa index
Interfaith Alliance: LGBTQ+ Equality
Muslims for Progressive Values (MPV): LGBTQI Resources
Pacific School of Religion: Center for LG Studies in Religion and Ministry
General lgbt+ directories | Yleisiä hlbt+ -hakemistoja | Allmänna hbt+ -index
ARC International
Fundación Triángulo
Gays Without Borders
HRC - Human Rights Campaign
International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA)
LGBT Asylum News
LGBT Hate Crimes and Resources
LGBTQ Nation
ONE - National Gay & Lesbian Archives
QueerNet (mailing lists | sähköpostilistoja | email listor)
Queer Resources Directory
UK LGBT Archive
General directories | Yleisiä hakemistoja | Allmänna index
European Network on Religion & Belief
Ringsurf: LGBT (web rings | nettirinkejä | internet ringar)
Wikipedia: Asexuality
Wikipedia: Bisexuality
Wikipedia: Buddhism and sexual orientation
Wikipedia: Christianity and sexual orientation
Wikipedia: Hijra
Wikipedia: Homosexuality
Wikipedia: Homosexuality and the Bahai Faith
Wikipedia: Intersex
Wikipedia: Khanith
Wikipedia: Lesbian
Wikipedia: LGBT
Wikipedia: LGBT Themes in Mythology
Wikipedia: LGBT Topics and Hinduism
Wikipedia: LGBT Topics and Islam
Wikipedia: LGBT Topics and Judaism
Wikipedia: LGBT Topics and Scientology
Wikipedia: LGBT Topics and Sikhism
Wikipedia: LGBT Topics and Unitarian Universalism
Wikipedia: LGBT Topics and Voodoo
Wikipedia: LGBT Topics and Wicca
Wikipedia: LGBT Topics and Zoroastrianism
Wikipedia: List of LGBT-related organizations
Wikipedia: List of LGBT rights organizations
Wikipedia: Timeline of LGBT History
Wikipedia: Transgender
Wikipedia: Transgenderism and Religion
Wikipedia: Two-Spirit
YouTube: LGBT
Regional lgbt+ directories | Alueellisia hlbt+ -hakemistoja | Regionala hbt+ -index
African Sexual Minorities & Gender Variant Resources (Africa | Afrikka | Afrika)
AfricaNews: LGBT (Africa | Afrikka | Afrika)
Al-Bab.com (Middle East | Lähi-Itä | Mellanöstern)
Behind the Mask (Africa | Afrikka | Afrika)
Being LGBT in Asia (Asia | Aasia | Asien)
CristianosGays (Spanish speaking countries | espanjankieliset maat | spanskspråkiga länderna)
Gay Christian Africa (Africa | Afrikka | Afrika)
GayChurch.org (all continents | kaikki maanosat | alla kontinenterna)
Gay Middle East (Middle East | Lähi-Itä | Mellanöstern)
Gay Rights News by Country (all continents | kaikki maanosat | alla kontinenterna)
Gaysians (Asia | Aasia | Asien)
GlobalGayz (all continents | kaikki maanosat | alla kontinenterna)
ILGA Europe (Europe | Eurooppa | Europa)
IndianDost (India & South Asia | Intia & Etelä-Aasia | Indien & Sydasien)
Queer African Reader (Africa | Afrikka | Afrika)
Trikone (South Asia | Etelä-Aasia | Södra Asien)
Utopia (Asia | Aasia | Asien)
Wikipedia: Homosexuality in China (China | Kiina | Kina)
Wikipedia: Homosexuality in India (India | Intia | Indien)
Wikipedia: List of LGBT Rights by Region (all continents | kaikki maanosat | alla kontinenterna)
Updated | Päivitetty | Uppdaterad 1.09.2024